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Sometimes emails are mistakenly marked as spam or put into Trash, and they can be difficult to discover via search. To help address this issue, Gmail will now search in both the Trash and Spam folders (only Trash was indexed previously). If a match is found, a footer at the bottom of search results will indicate the match and direct the user to view the messages. In addition, if a search query is too general to return useful search results, a different footer will now be shown guiding the user to try refining their query using Gmail advanced search.
Posted by Guest  On Nov 10, 2015 at 7:26 AM 2752 Comments
Get the most out of Gmail with the new setup gadget   Gmail now has a setup gadget to help people new to Gmail get started. This gadget is customized for Google Apps and helps people set up their Gmail account with actions like adding a profile picture and creating an email signature, and teaches them to use features like undo send and creating an auto-responder.  The setup gadget is hidden once the person completes all actions, dismisses the gadget or after two weeks. It can be relaunched from Settings. For more information:
Posted by Guest  On Jul 22, 2014 at 10:58 AM 50 Comments
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